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Masterfeeds Senior (pellet) is our lowest NSC complete feed. It is ideal for the senior horse and also works very well for horses needing an ultra low starch ration with added fat. The premium high calorie digestible fibre sources blended with 6% fat from all vegetable sources makes it a safe choice for working, pleasure, or retired horses who are very sensitive to added starch in their feed and need a low glycemic ration.
Added vegetable oil.
6% total fat for added calories to improve body condition in older horses.
Added beet pulp.
Excellent source of digestible fibre for improved digestive health. High quality protein. Provides essential amino acids needed by the senior horse.
Added vitamins including Vitamin C and chelated minerals.
Key nutrients important for immunity, skeletal and muscular integrity and health.
Contains Yea-Sacc® 1026 and Pulse 500™.
Together, these products work as both a pre-biotic; feeding existing bacteria and a pro-biotic; adding more beneficial bugs to the gut. This works to stabilize the gut, reduces digestive upsets, and maximizes nutrient digestion and absorption, of extra benefit to the senior horse.
Contains B-vitamins.
Added vitamins help meet everyday requirements in senior horses where gut function could be reduced.